The incompetent new President of the United States, Donald Trump, is the insecure, short-attention span egomaniac he always was.

Many of his voters certainly thought they were choosing a smart businessman who would settle down to running the country smoothly and get things done without delays. But I’m sure it will not happen.

His weaknesses are numerous and his chosen few in the new administration will amplify them.

If we want some notion of what Trump governance is going to look like, let us take the botched occupation of Iraq as an example. People who knew a thing or two about nation-building were wiped away and party loyalists - profiteers - took their place. Now, the conditions that prevailed in Iraq - blind ideology, contempt for expertise, no enforcement of ethics – are present in the US in a far more acute form.

Crises of some kind are bound to occur under any president’s watch. What will happen when Trump’s administration is faced with one? Even if he somehow skirts certain dangers, there will still be some crisis or other. Maybe there will be a new economic crisis, helped along by the rush to undo financial regulation. Maybe there will be a foreign affairs crisis, say over adventurism in the Baltics by Trump’s good friend Vladimir Putin. Maybe it will be something we’re not thinking about... perhaps a trade war with China or Germany. Then what Mr President?

So help us God.

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