More than two thirds of eight-month-old babies eat too much salt because they are fed a diet of processed food, a study revealed.

Tinned spaghetti, baked beans, bread and cows’ milk are among the foods blamed by researchers at the University of Bristol for babies eating too much salt.

Nutritionists found that 70 per cent of babies aged eight months have a salt intake higher than the recommended UK maximum level.

Many are also given cows’ milk, which has higher levels of salt than breast or formula milk, as their main drink despite recommendations that it should not be used in this way until babies are at least a year old.

High levels of salt can damage developing kidneys, give children a taste for salty foods and establish poor eating practices that continue into adulthood andcan result in health problems later in life.

The findings are based on almost 1,200 participants in the Children of the 90s study published online by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

It was found that the majority of infants were first introduced to solids at around three to four months.

The nutritionists said that in the UK the majority of salt consumed by people was added to food during manufacturing – and called on the manufacturing industry to reduce its use of salt.

Pauline Emmett and Vicky Cribb, who carried out the research, said: “These findings show that salt intakes need to be substantially reduced in children of this age group.

“Infants need foods specifically prepared for them without added salt, so it is important to adapt the family diet.

“This research suggests that clear advice is needed for parents about what foods are suitable for infants.

“This should be given to all parents and carers and should include the important advice not to use cows’ milk as a main drink before 12 months of age.”

They added: “Given that three-quarters of salt in the diet comes from processed adult foods, successful salt-reduction strategies can only be achieved with the co-operation of the food industry.

“Manufacturers have a responsibility to reduce the salt content of food products. This process has already started in the UK but much more needs to be done.

“If this study were repeated today, it is likely that there would be some improvement but notenough to safeguard the health of all babies.”

The researchers studied three-day dietary records (completed by the mothers) of 1,178 eight-month-old infants born in 1991/92 and involved in the Children of the 90s study at the University of Bristol.

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