I read Alex Tyrrell’s letter about the massacre of trees in Victoria (February 15).

Mr Tyrrell is not the first person who complained about this kind of pruning, as it has happened also here in Malta on several occasions. It is the order of the day nowadays as there is nobody who cares.

Several letters were written expressing disgust at this butchery of established trees, but nobody seems to care. As in everything else a commercial company was created and although it’s being paid with taxpayers’ money nobody is responsible for what it does.

If we do not want the trees why do we pay to plant them the first time? What sense is there to first pay hundreds of thousands of euros for planting these trees and when they are established and beautify the place, another group of men from the same company come equipped with a chainsaw to butcher them?

If there is a minister responsible for these trees, wake up and stop this massacre. I am sure this buthcery takes place nowhere else in Europe.

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