We have always been horrified at the cruelty of slavery.

We were also indignant at the unfairness of discrimination against women when it came to the vote.

As time goes by we find ourselves incredulous of the many practices that were acceptable at the time.

A simple example of this is “Bobber Jobs”, where we naively let our sons and daughters enter strangers’ homes to do little jobs as boy scouts and girl guides to raise money for charity. After some close shaves this was stopped.

One day, we will be ashamed that we left orphans in the care of priests who are denied a normal sexual life. However noble the intention is, there are always a few bad apples in the cart and if their sexuality is bigger than themselves those same orphans are at a grave risk. One day, hopefully in the near future, the same fate will await hunting.

The other morning, while walking my dogs in the countryside, an injured starling tried to hobble away from the dogs’ path. I picked it up. The bird was missing an eye, had a messed-up wing and a broken leg, the result of a shower of lead pellets. Instead of a rounded stomach, it had hollow look and a prominent centre line which showed that the poor creature had lived in this sorry state long enough to find itself in a starving condition.

What is the point of this creature’s suffering?

I am sure there is no answer from the bullies with guns who probably run to the medicine chest for paracetamol at the first sign of any little pain.

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