Up to the last week of the election, who do you feel had the upper hand?

I don’t think any party had that much of an upper hand. Based on what I heard and saw, it seems the Labour Party had a stronger electoral campaign and allocated more resources to be a strong competitor to the Nationalist Government. I think it’s too close to call. Dalton Hili, 21, Mcast Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Enterprise

From what I have seen and heard, I think Labour had a stronger hand in the election. Sarah Borg Cardona, 18, Bachelor of Science in Biology and Chemistry

I am not sure. I am not following what is happening in the election. Natalia Debattista, 19, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Sociology

Do you agree with carcading?

I have nothing against people who go carcading but I think we can do without it. Our electoral campaigns and political debates gain nothing out of it. Dalton Hili

It is rather frustrating because it causes needless hassle and traffic. Sarah Borg Cardona

I am neither in favour nor am I against carcading. Natalia Debattista

Were all the issues properly covered during the campaign?

I feel that the main issues – education, health and employment – were covered effectively as they were considered to be the pillars on which the new or current government will build the country’s future.

But some other less significant issues could have been discussed in greater detail. Dalton Hili

Not at all. The main issues were brought to light but there is still a lot that has not been tackled or discussed. Sarah Borg Cardona

This electoral campaign left me rather confused on the actual goings on and what is actually being solved. Natalia Debattista

Interviews conducted by Insite – The Student Media Organisation.

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