The current election debate has now turned into pure farce. ‘Who did what to who, when and where’ are irrelevant to managing the country for five years although it does impinge on trustworthiness. The protagonists are behaving like the worst kind of school bullies and this does not augur well for the country’s best interests. If I were a foreign investor or diplomat I would consider the whole shebang of them unworthy of office.

Where are the standards for elections being set, in kindergarten by two-year-olds?

Come on Maltese people, get a grip, take back control of your country, whichever camp you favour, and boot those in charge of the selection of candidates firmly in the pants. Get involved at the local constituencies and choose representatives that actually care for the country and not personal ambition.

Most of them are lawyers. Being a lawyer most definitely does not qualify one as a business captain but it takes the skills of big business managers to run a country. The current system that allows MPs attend to their own personal careers first and to the country’s needs next is seriously flawed.

It can be done: just vote for independent or AD candidates as first choice. If they get a couple of seats or more the big boys would have to take note and concentrate on Maltese matters, not private agendas.

Do the people really believe that any proposals from the red badge can have no significance to a blue badge, or vice versa? Come on, there is more in common in the centre ground of both camps than partisan following will allow.

To free-thinking people, either side can have ideas that all can agree on, without it becoming a partisan issue. Good policy is good policy and it should not be dismissed just because the other camp thought of it first.

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