Frans H. Said, in his letter Code Of Ethics In High Places (April 1) censured President Emeritus Eddie Fenech Adami for expressing his views on the current divorce issue on the grounds that he has served as President of the Republic.

First of all, this is not an issue of party politics but a national issue of paramount importance for the present and future stability of the Maltese family.

Secondly, it would rather be inconceivable that such a man who has dedicated his life and all his energy to promote the welfare of the Maltese people in every respect – democratically, economically and socially – should now keep quiet and fail to warn one and all about what he feels strongly to be so detrimental to the fabric of Maltese society, i.e. the legalisation of divorce.

Finally, is Mr Said not aware that besides other allegiances, there is such a thing as allegiance to God, which should, in my view and presumably in Dr Fenech Adami’s view, take precedence over every other allegiance?

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