One of my favorite Melita TV channels – Yes Italia – has been off air since December with a promise that it will be hopefully aired on another channel.

A few days ago, I was watching Rai Storia and one of their documentaries by the name of Dixit had some very interesting features regarding the Olympic Games, starting from 1952. Every edition had its own particular story, which included the political intervention due to the Cold War, boycotts, doping, steroids and the killing of innocent people during the 1972 Munich Games.

I remember well the US swimmer Mark Spitz being the man of the Games after winning four gold medals but this great feat was overshadowed by the killing of the Israeli athletes.

Malta had a small contingent and the group was lodging next to the team from Israel. I wonder if anyone who was with that group can retell the story of what exactly happened on that day, maybe even on TVM’s Biografiji.

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