When you visit another country you will still be able to make and receive calls, send text messages and download e-mails and other data through a roaming service. But as your local service provider does not operate in other countries, your calls, texts, and other data services are being operated by a foreign network.

Consider switching from your current home network to another operator if the latter offers a better deal- Odette Vella

The EU roaming regulation has introduced the ‘Euro-tariff’ and the ‘Euro-SMS’ tariff which cap the maximum charges any mobile service operator can charge for calls and text messages. The new rules also oblige mobile service providers to charge on a per-second basis for all calls made and received to ensure clients only pay for what they consume.

However, local service providers may charge a flat rate for the first 30 seconds. Incoming SMSs are free of charge. From July 2011, the rate of outgoing SMSs is of 13.4c per minute; outgoing calls are at 42.5c, whereas the rate of incoming calls is 13.4c (all rates including VAT).

Consider switching from your current home network to another operator if the latter offers a better deal. These are maximum prices and operators are free to offer cheaper rates.

The regulation also lays down rules aimed at increasing price transparency and improving the provision of information on charges to users of roaming services. As soon as you enter another member state, your service provider will, via SMS, inform you automatically about the roaming charges (including VAT) applicable to calls, sending of SMSs and data services according to your subscribed tariff plan. This automatic message service is free.

You can check the tariffs you will incur when visiting another country by calling your mobile operator or by visiting its international roaming web page. In Malta, all operators offer international roaming services to subscribers. Before your trip, check with your mobile provider so you can select the best network available as soon as you arrive.

To make roaming work, telephone companies stipulate agreements, permitting consumers to benefit from alternative networks.

Telecommunication networks are regulated by national and European rules to ensure not only a good service, but also clearer and competitive prices for consumers.

In any case, keep in mind that your contractual relationship is only with the phone company specified in your contract.

Roaming costs are considerably higher than a national telephone service. To reduce expenses, it is better to call from a landline and use your mobile phone only for sending short texts. Moreover, do not forget that if you receive a call using the roaming service, both you and the caller will be charged costs.

While abroad, to call numbers outside the country you are visiting, including Malta, you are required to dial 00, followed by the country code of the country you are calling.

In case you are calling a Maltese number, you need to dial 00356, followed by the Maltese number.

For emergency calls, you can dial 112 from every EU member state to contact the local emergency services directly.

This information has been provided by the European Consumer Centre Malta (ECC Malta). For more information, consumers may call ECC Malta on 2122 1901 or e-mail ecc.malta@gov.mt.


Ms Vella is senior information officer, Office for Consumer Affairs, Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority.

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