The Delicata vines that were re-grafted back last June are flourishing as the start of the 2011 grape harvest is in full swing.

The company has achieved an above 98 per cent success rate with its regrafted Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Moscato grape varieties, thanks to the after-care service of its contracted vignerons under the close supervision of Delicata’s viticultural team.

Particular credit, however, must go to the professionalism of the French company Worldwide Vineyards that performed the regrafting exercise back in June.

Due to significant market changes during the last decade, many Maltese wine-makers found themselves in a position where too many red grapes were being grown in Malta and Gozo and not enough whites.

To replant more white vines would not only have meant waiting four years for grapes, at a significant extra cost to the farmer, but it wouldn’t have solved the problem the farmers had of how to sell their surplus reds! Whereas with regrafting, if properly done, only one year’s production should be lost.

Funds to subsidise the project were allocated by the government, which will cover all the expenses the farmers had to fork out for regrafting. Prior to the regrafting exercise each vigneron had to clean and prepare the identified vines and irrigate and maintain them once regrafting was completed.

In all, over 60 tumoli, planted with approximately 33,000 vines, was regrafted using t-bud and chip-bud techniques. The red varieties that were planted in abundance and surplus included Carignan, Syrah and Merlot.

Hopefully, the additional Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Moscato grapes that will grow in their place will help rebalance the shortfall in white grapes that the wine-makers have.

Another huge advantage regarding this project is the transference of knowledge freely given by the French company Worldwide Vineyards to the Maltese and Gozitan growers.

More red vines, covering an additional 130 tumoli, are scheduled to be regrafted over the coming two years and thanks to this newly-obtained skill it will be carried out by local vignerons.

Delicata’s regrafted vines should reach full production by next year, ready for the 2012 grape harvest. The additional white grapes will allow Delicata to increase its production levels of popular white wines where the demand often outweighs the supply.

Wines like DOK Malta Gran Cavalier Sauvignon Blanc and Medina Sauvignon Blanc and Victoria Heights Chardonnay made from DOK Gozo grapes.

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