This Christmas, “the Father of mercies and God of all comfort” (2 Cor 1, 3) has granted me the enormous gift of rediscovering the figure of St Joseph.

Throughout this saving journey of grace I have been greatly aided by the outstanding song, composed and performed by Michael Card, Joseph’s Song.

Upon receiving the angel’s announcement during his sleep, a thousand and one doubts must have crossed Joseph’s mind and heart. How could it be that the baby in his arms, sleeping peacefully, was the Son of God? How could it be that he fathers a child that was not his own, flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone? How could it be that he would raise a king, so tiny in appearance, his face and hands so fair? And, yet, at his cry the sun disappears to remerge shinning with unparallelled vigour when He laughs?

Nevertheless, Joseph decided to believe and cooperate with God’s grace till the end.

His faithful and wise response to the Father’s call is clearly manifested in the excellent way he carried out his mission.

Pope Benedict XVI explained that “to be a father means above all to be at the service of life and growth. St Joseph, in this sense, gave proof of great devotion. For the sake of Christ he experienced persecution, exile and the poverty which this entails. He had to settle far from his native town. His only reward was to be with Christ. His readiness to do all these things illustrates the words of St Paul: It is Christ the Lord whom you serve’ (Col 3:24).”

St Joseph’s constant heartening prayer was: “Father, show me where I fit into this plan of yours”. Why not make it our own too?

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