Like most other common citizens, I never expected the Labour motion on the €500 weekly pay rise to ministers to make it through Parliament.

Although Maltese political life has become full of surprises, everyone knew that, had PL won this motion, it would have meant the death sentence to the current government.

That Lawrence Gonzi would produce a last-minute counter motion was not unexpected. What escapes me is the fact that this was a chance for the Gonzi Administration to connect with the people. It was the one moment to show that “hey, maybe we exaggerated a bit, let’s fix this, score a few points and get on with our lives”. Instead all Dr Gonzi would come up with was an option for more discussions. But, in the meantime, he’ll keep pocketing the extra weekly €500.

What I find funny is that there are MPs that seem to justify, nearly up to the point of apologising, voting with their party. It’s as if they are voting yes not because they believe in what they’re doing but more to keep an obsolete government. It seems that Dr Gonzi is fast losing his followers. And a leader without followers is just a man having a lonely walk.

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