The interpretation of history can be very subjective. Great historians can have different opinions on past events but at least they are civil enough to comprehend that being human also means that one’s mind can evaluate the facts and reach its own conclusions.

One can agree or disagree with an interpretation of history but it is not acceptable to impose one’s thoughts on others or worse, try to denigrate the opinion of others. It is healthy to question past events, the way certain measures were introduced or implemented but one must also take into consideration what motivated these measures, as well as the political and social environment of the time. It is also important to reflect what we have today and how much of this is related to past initiatives that at the time faced huge obstacles.

These initiatives include the welfare safety net; votes for women; free education; free health care; a national air carrier; parastatal companies or Maltese control over the airport, and many more but above all, Maltese being masters in their own home.

Some may say that this is progress but progress alone does not make pilots or managers. Education and health care are essential to help society make progress. One should be appreciative to our leaders for having had the vision and courage to proceed with certain measures that may have seemed unacceptable at the time.

Education brings knowledge to the people enabling them to distinguish between the destructive use of freedom of speech and its value in making people understand each other better. It also helps to understand the behaviour and hidden agenda of certain people.

We all live in the real world so we will continue to have destructive people dishing out hatred against fellow Maltese irrespective of their political affiliations.

We will continue to be bombarded with half-truths and scary tactics. But thanks to our historical leaders, the power of the mind will eventually defeat the evil among us.

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