Nationalist Party official and erstwhile PN councillor Salvu Sciberras called me shameless and took me to task on my piece in this newspaper, The Gaddafi Memory Hole.

He did this without writing one word on the crux of my article: how the PN flagrantly betrayed their country by running to Col Gaddafi’s arms after he sent gunboats to stop Malta from drilling for oil.

In the-enemy-of–my-enemy-is-my-friend mode, high PN officials visited Col Gaddafi – during the dispute with Malta on the Median line – putting first the interest of the party as opposed to that of the Maltese state.

I also asked whether these officials came back empty-handed from this stopover.

Mr Sciberras avoided all this but, unlike him, I understand he was being selective and not foolish as he chooses to call those who recall what he prefers to see incinerated down the memory hole.

Who’s shameless then?

As for CIA reports, shall we open this can of worms? Shall we speak, for instance, about the account on how accommodating to Col Gaddafi the PN government was on the issue of the premature release of (hijacker) Ali Rezaq?

If that’s where Mr Sciberras wants to go, I certainly have no problem in discussing the PN’s – as a party and as a government – amenability to Col Gaddafi. He can be my guest.

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