Almost nine out of 10 people are satisfied with the level of service they receive when using local eGovernment services, two extensive online surveys have shown.

Survey results show that more than half of the respondents (54 per cent) use the internet to communicate with the government, while 55 per cent make use of eGovernment services.

The eGovernment General Survey and the eGovernment User Satisfactions were carried out online during 2010 by the Malta Information Technology Agency.

Just over three-quarters of respondents believe the eGovernment service has made it easier to carry out mandatory tasks online, such as paying taxes or renewing driving licenses.

A total of 63 per cent said the online service has provided them with a better quality of service from the over-the-counter alternative.

The survey findings come in light of recent EU results which placed Malta as the leader in eGovernment services across Europe.

“Although statistics show that slightly more than half of the population use eGovernment, we still need to drive more people towards this delivery channel,” MITA chairman Claudio Grech said.

Currently there are more than 90 eGovernment services online from a variety of ministries and departments.

Through the new eGovernment Platform, every single government service is expec-ted to be available online by the end of 2012, Mr Grech said.

Favourite characteristics of eGovernment

Main findings of survey
86% find eGovernment services helpful;
54% use the internet to communicate with government;
55% make use of eGovernment services;
76% say service makes mandatory tasks easier;
63% say it provides an improved quality of service;
54% say it delivers cheaper and more efficient services;

The full survey report can be found on

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