The picture above is a clear indication that shop owners in Tower Road, Sliema ought to exercise prudence when taking rubbish outside for collection after shopping hours. Between 7pm and about 10pm, when waste is usually collected, Sliema pavements become a truly unsightly sight and this, it need not be pointed out, is a prime tourist destination. The local council needs to do something about it... fast.

Not funny at all

Somebody thought it would be funny to change a stop sign in San Ġwann to one saying ‘Freeze’ by covering it with red spray paint and using white to write the text. Evidently, silly things please silly minds.

Mass exodus

Readers called to point out that, one day last week, at about 3.30pm, Armier Bay was ‘invaded’ by busloads of students coming from various schools. Some 850 students descended on the bay, taking over the little space allocated between the recessed sun beds and umbrellas and the shoreline. They covered every available space with their towels, even trampling over sandcastles built by children, leaving them little or no space at all to continue enjoying the sand.

Alternative route

A motorist wrote in to note there is an alternative route through Manikata, via Triq il-Biedja, Mġarr, noting that the big majority of vehicles use the same narrow Triq il-Manikata. It cannot handle two big cars next to each other let alone buses and trucks. He also calls for an EIA and a bypass road to be built as soon as possible.

Parking space

The owner of the car that appeared in last week’s column in the item titled ‘Reserved parking for the holidays’ insists that “when it is a genuine deserved case, there is absolutely no need for and connections or payments for such concessions, as has been insinuated”. The item in question referred to a reserved space June-Sept in front of a residence in St Publius Street, St Paul’s Bay.

Bypass hazard

Cars being advertised for sale can be seen parked overnight near the roundabout on the St Paul’s Bay bypass in Xemxija. What if someone needs to pull by the side? These vehicles are occupying precious space in a sensitive location. Should they be allowed there?

If you have any item for On The Dot, send it to Please include all particulars, especially a contact telephone number. Items are sent under the express understanding and condition that the editor may, and is authorised to, disclose any/all of the personal information mentioned above to any person or entity requesting the information for the purposes of legal action on grounds that such person or entity feels aggrieved by the item published.

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