When the moral compass of a country goes askew, humanity in the long term will suffer. The first to suffer are usually the unborn, the sick and the elderly.

The daily sifting through pro-life articles makes me feel uneasy at the status quo of the pro-life work being done in Malta.

Are we doing enough by way of educating our society as regards building a culture of life?

Are we getting prepared for the next onslaught by some EU body on Malta, like the recent jibes from the ICJ to introduce abortion?

Times are upon us when we should be prepared and vigilant.

In many countries around us, we can see new laws being enacted to justify the most heinous crimes.

Most of these laws are introduced in the name of choice, freedom, homophobia and compassion when the real meaning of the words is twisted to mean exactly the opposite of what it should mean.

Why have the words unconditional love, life-giving love, self-worth and human dignity almost disappeared from our journals? Have they grown unfashionable?

Of course, there is usually a human cost to using these words by way of self-denial and personal sacrifice, but this is what makes the basis of a humane society.

Science at the service of mankind shows us, without any doubt, that life begins at conception, not at birth.

Birth is just one day in the life of a person who is already nine months old.

This information does not seem to dent the conscience of the hungry abortion mills all over the world.

In fact, abortion statistics have skyrocketed into billions.

Generations of children are being murdered before birth as a matter of fact.

Pro-choice leaders use language terminology blatantly out of context. The most recent example to quote is from Texas State senator Wendy Davis, who said abortion is “sacred ground” and defending late-term abortion is a necessary component of “liberty”.

Generations of children are being murdered before birth as a matter of fact

Davis was echoing the words of House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, another American, who also believes in late-term abortion.

Pelosi had the audacity to say: “As a practising and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me.”

Abortion is the wilful killing of an unborn child. There is nothing Catholic or sacred about abortion.

Obviously, the ‘Catholic’ lady has forgotten the Catholic teaching regarding the sanctity of every human life. One of the 10 Commandments is ‘Thou shall not kill’!

The evil of abortion has become so institutionalised that now it is not only condoned but rewarded.

In the name of his country, President Barack Obama recently awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the American nation, to the abortion activist and virulently anti-Catholic Gloria Steinem.

To quote Canadian-born commentator Mark Steyn: “When the State has the ability to know everything except the difference between right and wrong, it won’t end well.”

Ireland, the most recent conquest for the pro-choice lobby as regards abortion, is now also facing daunting times.

European law is supposed to protect religious institutions from being forced to act against their religious ethos; however, the Irish government has told a Catholic hospital that there will be no opting out of the new law legalising abortion that requires hospitals to do the procedure.

Our government and legislators should be alerted to this test case.

A blatant example of what happens when the ‘liberals’ impose their stance on all and do not allow anyone to disagree in principle, ethos or religious conscience.

The liberal wing in Malta’s political parties also seems to be gaining the upper hand. Maltese politicians and Church leaders should be fully aware of what this really means before it is too late for Malta.

Liberal laws are not really liberal when those who disagree are threatened or coerced into complying.

Woe to us, should European law fail to protect religious conscience for whatever concocted reasons.

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