Not a day goes by without reading of some traffic accident, with some leading to the tragic end of precious life. Last year, 19 lives were lost.

We must admit that, as a population, we are not capable of abiding by traffic regulations. The lack of police monitoring and knowing that you will not get caught renders the situation worse. Though the point system is, in theory, good it has failed to deter drivers from risking their lives and that of others.

A drastic change is needed. Our roads need more police presence. Wardens could also help. Rather than simply giving fines to parked cars, they could be used to monitoring our roads.

Another change could be the installation of speed monitoring cameras that measure the speed along a stretch of road rather than just at one fixed point.

The traffic lights need to be monitored; too many cowboys tend to dash through a red light. Heftier fines for those caught using a mobile while driving.

Those caught drink driving should, apart from losing points, be fined and also spend a short while in a cold lock-up.

This topic must go beyond any political debate. Both parties should come together to help render our roads safe.

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