I am not a diplomat so I will not sugarcoat my honest opinion. Nor am I dishonest, so here it comes, my honest opinion that the Prime Minister is said to value. Our dear Joseph Muscat is slipping hard. He is looking up to those he should be putting down; he is working with those who should be in prison, and he is squandering our wealth to make us slaves.

And this is just the tip of my claims against him – but I will keep it to this.

When honouring fools he should be dishonouring, the Prime Minister should remember we did not put him head of this country to go suck up to Donald Trump. Nor is it enough of a disclaimer to say that his ideology is more in line with Hillary Clinton’s – she was all set to start a war on us with the proposed no-fly zone, right?

We expect the Prime Minister to steer the country away from war and conflict, from hatred fuelled by ignorance and propaganda and we want him to seriously help elevate our poor, whether immigrant or local, to get a better shot at life.

Honouring Trump with his ‘friendliness’ is not what we expect.

If the Prime Minister really wants to work on getting nearer to the US, as he claims, he needs to show us that his values are different to Trump’s. He must make it clear he does not think like him regarding the disabled – and does not justify their public humiliation.

It is our right to know and never your right to hide

Muscat should not be prime enemy of all those who dare oppose his views, as Trump does. On the contrary, in a true democracy, opposition is a lifeline, as are whistleblowers. He should not agree with Trump on the issues of women either – he seems to think his wealth is a shield against abusive behaviour.

The Prime Minister should be speaking differently for us. We Maltese are already well set in our caveman age of very sexist attitudes. A man who was interviewed on TV claimed he didn’t like Hillary Clinton as president because: “Hi mara hux!” (She’s a woman).

Our President, a woman, has had to put up with loads and loads of comments on her womanhood. Shame on us for not standing up for her and her awesome work instead.

The Prime Minister should be putting this Trump-ish mentality to the guillotine not fuelling it on.

Trump’s rhetoric is all out against women and their presence in society, unless it is at his beauty pageants, wearing the skimpiest of bikinis while accepting his lewd remarks with a beaming smile.

To give a diplomatic idea of a speech that the Prime Minister could have come out with, he could have said something on the lines of:

“We will work with the US on that which is honourable and good, while respecting all communities, all minorities and all religious beliefs. We also honour our women and oppose vehemently the attitude shown by Trump in his previous discourses. We are set to honour the principles that truly make a country great – honour, respect, honesty while giving full rights to all oppressed people in need. We will fight corruption…”

Let’s stop here shall we?

It is something even Jesus, peace be upon him, would approve of.

As to our Prime Minister working with criminals – for the tri-millionth time – the Panama and the Virgin Islands’ goings and comings. We do expect that our country, independent of the EU, takes care of her own. I expect an open investigation, with journalists from all local news agencies, pouring over all findings and with the public being notified of the results.

It is our taxes that are being paid to the Konrad, to the Brian, to the Beddingfield – and please, relieve us of the last one at least. He’s such a sore!

These people should not be the Prime Minister’s dearest and nearest. Because of them, we are losing our legal system, the whole of it, to corruption.

Corruption will bring the whole house down. Even a good educational system will not elevate us if corruption is allowed to remain unchecked.

Last thing – the Prime Minister is squandering our wealth. We are working hard, while paying taxes, which are not Muscat’s private property. They are his responsibility, not his right.

We need to know all the details of the hospital contracts and all the other deals he signed. It is our right to know, and never the Prime Minister’s right to hide. Why are all sorts of criminals, from Russia to Israel, being fed and pampered by our taxes?

We the Maltese, are honest, hard workers. We refuse to let criminals eat our children’s future so that we are left with an immense national debt and an even more immeasurable interest rate to pay off.

Loans on a personal level are already keeping us slaves to the car we need to get to work, and work hard, the house we need to live in, to survive to live to work… hard, the food we need to eat, to live, to work hard, and the occasional, always rarer, holiday we truly need, to live and feel less like automated robots – the semblance of a life.

The Prime Minister should get back the money his staff sent to secret accounts, to get back on an honest horse, to make public all agreements he does in our name and let democracy flourish again.

He should not look up to Trump and follow his example.

Neither should he take any messages from his election win except that the way the economy is being sucked dry of cash by the banks and the super-rich is causing pain so great to the local communities they are ready to put fools on their heads just to make sure people like Hillary Clinton, a greedy, grabber of a shameless woman and her cronies do not get to enslave them anymore.

Another lesson: control of the media will not win Muscat elections. He should give back the media to the public and allow intelligent programmes, like Times Talk, back on air.

Carol Gatt is a housewife and mother.

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