Kumpanija Teatru Rjal is this year marking its 25th anniversary by presenting Jesus Christ Superstar – the well-known musical Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice first presented in Broadway in October 1971.

Jesus, Judas and Mary Magdalen as the three main protagonists of the musical, with the storyline showing how Mary Magdalen is attracted to Jesus and how Judas is not happy at all with Jesus’s way of thinking about liberation.

The 50-strong cast includes Chris Grech as Jesus, Neville Refalo as Judas, Leontine as Mary Magdalen, Mark Tonna as Pilate, Josef Cassar as Caiaphas, Lawrence Gray as Annas, Clifford Galea as Simon Peter, Kevin Paul Calleja as Simon Zealotes  and Rodney Gauci as King Herod.

Direction is in the hands of Ray Abdilla. Joe Brown will conduct a 12-piece live orchestra while Abigail Brown will direct the choir.

Choreography is by Kinetic Dance Studio and the artistic director is Pawlu Testa.


■ Jesus Christ Superstar is being staged at the Catholic Institute on Saturday at 7.30pm and on Sunday at 6.30pm. Tickets may be obtained online at www.k umpanijateatrurjal.com or on ticket Hotline 9947 6468.

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