It is 70 years since the award of the George Cross to Malta as a country. The commemoration events organised by the government were most fitting and certainly deserve high accolade indeed. The Duke of Gloucester representing the Queen certainly added to the significance of the events.

I also wish to congratulate High Commissioner Louise Stanton and her staff who made sure to cram in as many visits by the Duke as humanly possible with impeccable timing.

The visit of his Highness was two-pronged: as well commemorating the award of the prestigious medal he also took part in the Queen’s jubilee celebration.

The Duke is very much a people’s person and has great charisma; he somehow managed to make time to speak to hundreds of people during the many events.

One particular wonderful gesture which certainly would remain long in the memories of those present at the reception help at the Lower Barakka Gardens happened during the tree planting ceremony when the Duke, having just completed the planting, followed it up by doing a jig around the tree to compact the soil. This was most amusing for all those present.

I personally think that the commemorations and celebrations could not have gone better. I again wish to congratulate all those involved; surely I am not in a minority when I say it was just perfect.

On a personal note, following publication of my letter Memories Of The Duke (April 12), I actually did speak to him and gave him a copy of the letter as printed in The Times and which he found quite enjoyable.

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