For the first time in his 11-year practice, a consultant cardiothoracic surgeon had to cancel a heart operation due to a blood shortage.

On Saturday, a patient had to be sent home instead of undergoing heart surgery because the required blood supply was unavailable, Walter Busuttil said.

He has joined the continued appeal of the Blood Donations Services, encouraging the public to carry out the altruistic act, stressing on the fact that cardiac surgery, for example, would grind to a complete standstill without the necessary supply.

The situation remained critical, especially in the case of O-positive blood, the Blood Donation Services said. Its latest urgent appeal, due to critically low reserves, followed a spate of incidents – four persons were seriously injured over the weekend.

Four bags of blood would normally be prepared for every patient undergoing a heart operation, even though they would not necessarily be used, Dr Busuttil explained.

Dr Busuttil has an operation lined up for today, although whether it would be carried out depends on the availability of blood and is, therefore, subject to public response.

Postponing surgery was demoralising and inconvenienced everyone, including relatives, who would have taken leave to be able to care for the patient and even cancelled trips abroad, the consultant said.

Saturday’s operation was postponed for two weeks, as the procedure is to find the first empty slot, usually kept for an emergency, rather than inconveniencing other pat­ients by pushing everyone’s intervention back.

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