On October 2 the Church officially celebrated the feast of the guardian angels. The first altars were set up in their honour in the fourth century whereas local celebrations of the feast can be traced back to the 11th.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “from infancy to death human life is surrounded by their (the angels’) watchful care and intercession. Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life. Already here on earth the Christian life shares by faith in the blessed company of angels and men united to God” (§ 336). We all have our guardian angels to guide and protect us in our earthly journey to the heavenly Jerusalem. In my personal life I have constantly witnessed God’s merciful and mighty hand thanks to the providential intervention of my guardian angel.

Instead of giving in to utter hopelessnesss, why not pray to your guardian angel for his reassuring daily guidance? Address him with the following heartfelt words: “Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day. Be at my side, to light and guard, rule and guide. Amen.”

Gradually you will see a marked difference in your life.

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