Hewlett Packard has appointed FGL Information Technology Limited, a subsidiary of the Forestals Group and HP Gold Preferred Partner, as its first Professional Services Partner in Malta. Indeed FGLIT has become the first HP Professional Services Partner in the entire HP Country Development Group region, which consists of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova and Kosovo.

The accreditation is only available to HP’s Gold Preferred Partners, and is the highest level of service specialisation that falls under the HP Preferred Partner Program.

FGL underwent intensive HP training in UK, following which two members of the FGL service team obtained HP ASE (accredited systems engineer) accreditation, which is the highest level of individual accreditation status for HP engineers.

In parallel, the entire service team underwent intensive training in process and quality assurance, which resulted in FGLIT being awarded a perfect score in an HP service audit carried out last in July.

As an integral part of the project, FGLIT has also rolled out a new service management IT system which is custom designed to work seamlessly with HP processes.

“This is a wonderful example how HP is able to transfer top IT know-how, competence and experience into the local market,” said Zoran Kostadinov, HP Channel manager for Malta. “HP is happy that FGLIT achieved this accreditation and will continue to encourage all Maltese partners to achieve the same accreditation.”

FGLIT managing director Etienne Borg Cardona expressed his pride that the service team, ably led by Tania Brown, has responded to and delivered on the challenge the company embarked upon in 2009 to attain HP’s highest accreditation level in a period of two years.

“Reaching this goal has brought about an extensive transformation in our systems, processes, accreditation and competence levels,” he added.

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