Cyclists are calling for new laws that would hold drivers automatically responsible for accidents involving bicycle users or pedestrians unless they can prove their innocence.

This goes against all norms of justice and law, before which everybody is equal. If cyclists feel intimidated, so do I, by monstrous heavy vehicles. If cyclists are so sure of their presumed innocence they have to be proactive. There are a number of actions that must be taken with due haste.

These include proper identification of each and every bicycle on the road so that motorists and other road users can pinpoint each individual. Another aspect of great importance is proper insurance cover as I have witnessed cyclists jumping red lights and even hitting pedestrians.

Many cyclists even cut across roundabouts which shows blatant ignorance of the highway code. Cyclists want their lanes, but do not use them.

This very morning I saw a group of cyclists racing each other and ignoring the reserved lane between Mosta and Rabat. May I remind cyclists that many cars carry a dashboard camera.

Cyclists are not kings of the road. Motorists pay a road licence – how much do cyclists pay for specialised lanes? Finally, do cyclists do a test on road behaviour?

Do they all wear proper reflective clothing?

Can cyclists drive abreast of each other?

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