Xarabank and Bondiplus have been the most popular programmes on PBS for the past 14 years... and ergo should continue to be seen by the Maltese public, according to Peppi Azzopardi in your report on October 23 entitled  ‘Labour dissociates itself from Jason Micallef’s Xarabank threat’.

On RAI, BBC, La Cinque, and other TV channels  there have been umpteen extremely popular programmes over the years (and not only in the advertising kudos-providing sense!) and now they’re no longer there. There is a Maltese saying,“Min ma jbiddilx iqammel” (whoever doesn’t change rots/ stinks). The late French President François Mitterrand went one step further with “L’alternance, c’est la democratie” (change is democracy) The same goes for broadcasting.

When will we learn? It speaks very poorly of the creative abilities of those responsible for running and managing PBS not to be able to totally detach themselves from any programme after a certain timespan.

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