Mgr Anton Gauci has taken it upon himself to dictate to us Maltese how we should live and not live.

He harangues everyone that does not share his beliefs. He cannot realise that the time of colonial days are over.

His Church wants to control every other action or movement anyone makes.

He cannot realise that many have now grown up and do not need bigots to hold their hand. His biggest weapon is hell in the after life.

The attitude of his Church is to catch them young and terrify them. We have read what a psychologist had to say (The Sunday Time, June 10) about what some were doing to the young when teaching them for Holy Communion, instilling in them the fear of hell and making their life hell now.

When somebody takes hold of your mental power, especially by resorting to fear, you are no longer yourself. You literally, physically and mentally, belong to him.

This is why the Church got the shock of its life following the divorce referendum. The majority broke the shackles.

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