The maxim ‘If a lie is told a thousand times, it becomes the truth’ has been repeatedly used throughout history, often with tragic results. Thus, the killing of millions in Nazi concentration camps was the result of a lying ideology which considered others as being so radically inferior and sub-human that they could be disposed of at will.

For a number of years, here in Malta, we have been subjected to a propaganda campaign which deceptively tells us that to become ‘mature’ and ‘progressive’ as a nation we have to imitate those countries whose secular agenda has resulted in laws which gravely offend God and go against the natural moral order.

We are, however, never told certain hard and unpleasant facts about these countries which we are encouraged to emulate. Many of us who travel to the affluent countries of the developed world cannot help noticing the number of local homeless men and women who live and sleep in doorways, under porticos or in train stations amid the utter indifference of passers-by.

How can this be and what kind of a society can allow this to happen? Here, the elderly suffer a lot despite the fact that, as a rule, old people’s homes have all the amenities needed for their comfort and well-being. Solitude is a constant companion and they often die alone because their dear ones are too busy, too uncaring or too far away to give them the love and warmth they crave for.

During the hot summer of 2003, in some European countries, thousands of elderly people were found dead in their homes, nobody having bothered to check their well-being.

Children then, who together with the elderly and the disabled are the most vulnerable in any society, suffer immeasurably. Eugenics, so assiduously practised by the Nazis, is regularly carried out in the developed world. Once an unborn child is diagnosed as having some sort of disability or grave illness, the problem is quickly solved and the baby is aborted. Today, in many countries very few Down’s Syndrome babies are born because the vast majority of them are killed before birth.

In their ferocious battle against anything that reminds us that Christianity built Western civilisation, many of these ‘enlightened’ countries have banished Christian symbols. No crucifixes or crosses, no Christmas cribs are to be publicly displayed. However, due to the violent atmosphere that they live in, in many places such as schools and public buildings especially in the US, authorities have been forced to install metal detectors. Thus, the gentle, saving figure of the Lord has been replaced by metal devices designed to keep violence at bay!

In this country, we would do well to ponder upon all this and much more whenever we are fed lies telling us that it would be to our benefit if we were to enact laws that would help us resemble certain societies of the developed world, where indifference and insensitivity towards the suffering of the most vulnerable often reign supreme.

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