Now that the weather is changing, this letter is aimed at all the drivers out there.

Because of the delays inherant in bad weather, please consider leaving for your destination a little earlier than usual, as rushing on wet, slippery roads is not a good thing.

Also, look out more carefully before emerging from a side road – oncoming traffic cannot stop as quickly as they can on dry roads. In fact it takes double the distance.

Switch on your dipped head lights when the light is dimming and when it is raining: make sure you can see and are seen. This especially applies to cyclists and motorcyclists.

Before changing lanes, turning or stopping, use your mirrors and indicators in plenty of time.

In general the indicator should go on before the brake lights, so that other road users know that you are about to do something. Remember: mirror, signal, manoeuvre. Indicators that go on as you turn. or afterwards, are totally useless.

By the way, pedestrians are also road users and are entitled to the same courtesies as other drivers.

As for two-wheelers, a lot of people use a motorcycle because they have no choice. Give them a break! They will probably be driving more slowly than usual. Give them room, especially on corners and roundabouts.

Driving through water is especially dangerous for those on two wheels. If they slip or hit a pot hole they go down.

They can also get very wet before reaching their destination so try to give them the right of way. They will thank you... and so will their mums, dads, wives, husbands and children when they get home safely.

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