Just when official statistics were announced that unemployment in Malta has reached record lows – 5.1 per cent, the second lowest in the EU – the PN immediately reacted to try and undermine this excellent news.

So, once again, the PN tried to give the impression that the reduction in the unemployment figure was due to the employment by the government when, in fact, the vast majority of the new full-time jobs being created are in the private sector.

Of course, the government has to keep employing people, such as nurses, paramedics, teachers, LSAs, doctors, police officers, soldiers, etc.

We all remember how the PN had reacted when the government had not offered immediate employment to a certain category of workers after they had ended their studies successfully.

It has just been announced that about 135 nurses and midwives have been employed by the government in order to offer a better service to patients in hospitals, a measure which has been greatly welcomed by their union.

Rest assured that had the government failed to employ these nurses and midwives, the PN would have lambasted the government for not employing them. However, once they have been employed, so the PN attacks the government for employing workers in a bid to lower the unemployment figure!

Is this the kind of Opposition that could ever be trusted to take on the reins of government? For the PN Opposition it is always ‘heads we win, tails you lose’.

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