It was interesting to read the letter ‘Down memory lane’ (October 13), and to get to know of one of the places where Younger’s beer was distributed.

Way back, before World War II, Capt. Caruana, of Caruana Wines & Spirits, decided to start brewing Younger’s beer. The necessary equipment was shipped to Malta accompanied by a Scottish engineer who, together with my grandfather, Philip Ellul (photo), assembled it in a warehouse at Pinto Wharf, Marsa.

Afterwards, my grandfather started brewing this Younger’s beer, which was mostly produced for the forces. In summer, my grandfather would hire more men because consumption was even greater.

The logo featured a jolly-looking old, white-bearded man wearing a top hat and carrying a stick and a beer tankard.

Carlsberg was also produced later. At Pinto Wharf, there were also wineries, like Dacoutros and Coleiro.

When the war broke out, the brewing had to stop because of the lack of hops (a main ingredient in the production of beer) and which used to be imported. After the war, my grandfather sold the machinery to a local bottling company and that was the end of Younger’s beer in Malta. Some years ago, I was in London and happened to find Younger’s beer in cans.

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