Buskett, Autumn by Peter MicallefBuskett, Autumn by Peter Micallef

Artists Peter Micallef and Joseph Zammit will be addressing the Art Discussion Group meeting today in Qrendi.

Micallef and Zammit are both retired and paint for its therapeutic effect and for their leisure. They focus on landscape, seascape, still life and town and village scenes. Both artists refer to Matthew Cassar as their mentor and studied art at the Malta Society of Arts.

After a discussion and critical evaluation of their work, they will answer questions from the floor regarding their vision, concept, approach and technique.

Horse Trough, Attard by Joseph ZammitHorse Trough, Attard by Joseph Zammit

The meeting will take place today at St Mary Band Club, Qrendi, at 7pm. All ADG members and the public  are invited to attend. Fore more information, visit www.adgmalta.webs.com.

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