George DeGaetano was a born raconteur as he recounted amusing happenings, true or untrue. He was never at a loss to tell a joke, sometimes an old one but always with a new twist. His sense of humour was contagious, it was impossible not to laugh. He saw and made you see fun in everything. As a lawyer he was both knowledgeable and successful. He never took up a false case. He was sound and practical. He was a popular figure in court with both judges and colleagues with his repartee to every solution and remark. He had a great blessing.

In his wife Rose he had constant support and care. She was everything and everywhere to him. Her tireless energy, attention and spirit in his declining years sustained him.

Our relationship started in prep form at school in 1934 and went on through the University and our profession and with constant contact as the years rolled by, 77 of them. But I know it has ended. It will be resumed in a better world.

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