Nationalist MP Joseph Falzon said that the divorce referendum had intensified the debate on the importance of the family. This was a delicate moment which would be a test for Maltese families.

He believed there were no winners or losers but it was a matter of legislating divorce.

It was now up to Parliament to respect the people’s wishes while ensuring that the family, especially children, was protected. This was placing a great responsibility on members of Parliament.

In its various electoral programmes, the PN government had always worked hard to strengthen the family. It was important for family members to find a balance between free time and work. This had always been a challenge and the government had helped improve employment conditions.

Similarly, women were finding themselves in situations where they had to juggle their family and career. The government had introduced a number of policies to help women find a balance. These were positive measures which helped the development of the family.

Turning to the opposition motion, Mr Falzon said that both parties agreed that the Maltese had the family at heart and this was therefore an opportunity to improve the basis of the family.

Parliament had to discuss the best way to ensure that issues and challenges related to the family were always on the agenda. This would strengthen the family and help make society stronger.

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