Name: Andrea Cassar
Age: 32
Occupation: TV presenter/CEO Cassar Group

My best holiday ever...

Pure fear reduced my legs to jelly, so much so that my instructor had to physically push me out of the plane

These kinds of questions always freak me out as I find it close to impossible to narrow my choice that much. In this case, the issue is that I have had the opportunity to experience a multitude of different holiday ‘styles’.

I have to admit, however, that my last holiday spent with my husband and our 18-month-old son was a new and beautiful experience. The lure of the Maldives’ white sandy beaches convinced us to brave the 24 hours of air travel with our toddler, a potentially disastrous experience which thankfully turned out pretty well.

We were rewarded with idyllic days strolling up and down the beaches while basking in our son’s expressions of pure wonder as he waddled about in the crystal clear waters.

I would never return to...

India! I know that I am going to get some serious flak for this statement but I cannot get certain images and smells out of my mind.

True, my experience was ‘tainted’ by the Liquorish element, and as a result I had to travel using the cheapest modes of transport, eat at the worst eateries and sleep in hell holes.

The most dangerous place I’ve visited...

Without batting an eyelid, it is Sao Paolo, Brazil. There is a heightened sense of danger permeating from nearly every street and alley.

The irony is that the destination which probably provided me with some of the best emotions, memories and spiritual connections is also found in Brazil: the Amazon. The sheer natural beauty of it left me awestruck.

In fact, it pains me whenever I read about the constant ecological threats to this region.

My favourite city...

Although I love travelling light and appreciate all that nature has to offer, I must also admit I am an unrepentant shopaholic. And in my opinion, London is the place to be for any serious shopper.

Whenever I visit this beautiful city, I indulge in shop-till-I-drop sessions and try to go to as many musicals and dance shows aspossible.

My most memorable experience on an aircraft...

I have to admit that flying is my least favourite part of travelling; specifically, I hate take-offs and landings.

Unfortunately, this means that the only emotions I experience related to flying are anything but memorable.

My most treasured holiday souvenir...

Since my very first taste of travel more than 15 years ago, I have always been fascinated with musical instruments and have made an effort to bring back an instrument from each and every destination I have ever visited. All of them are treasured.

My biggest gaffe abroad...

Animals have a very special place in my heart, so when I was faced with a fully grown male orangutan walking hand in hand with two Thai rangers 12 years ago, I absolutely flipped. I guess the innocence of youth got the better of me as I rushed towards it with my arms wide open and gave this beautiful primate a hug.

I can never forget the look of pure horror on the faces of the two rangers as they pulled me off the bewildered animal and proceeded to explain to me that should the orangutan have been bothered by my overly affectionate display, it would have had absolutely no problem detaching my head from my body in one swipe!

I was completely frozen with fear while peeping through the tattered curtains of my window as scores of machete-wielding men ran through the compound

The friendliest people...

During my travels, I have been blessed to experience the kindness of native people on many occasions. However, the Thai culture in general is one of the most spiritual I have ever encountered. This would probably explain why by and large, Thai people convey an unrivalled sense of welcoming and peace. I always feel very much at home whenever I visit this great country.

I never travel without...

An open mind. Having the right mindset is imperative as it allows you to enjoy all the different emotions that a country can stimulate.

The taxi ride I will never forget...

I am not too sure if a Thai ‘tuc tuc’ falls under the category of ‘taxi’. The very first ride in one of these death traps is sure to leave even the most seasoned traveller in need of a change of pants.

One gets the impression that the drivers have some kind of death wish as they navigate the impossibly heavy traffic at breakneck speeds, while executing seemingly impossible manoeuvres. Still, taking a ride on a tuc tuc is a must for anyone travelling in Asia.

My all-time favourite holiday photo...

Although I might have the image of a daredevil traveller, I always tend to prefer to keep my feet firmly on the ground. But it was impossible for me to refuse a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go skydiving in the Namib Desert.

I can still clearly remember the words uttered by my instructor when at 13,000 feet, he opened the flimsy door of the ageing Cessna onto the sprawling desert below and said: “Welcome to my office”.

Pure fear reduced my legs to jelly, so much so that he had to physically push me out of the plane. The ensuing picture, taken mid-descent, clearly outlines the intense mixture of emotions I was experiencing at that moment.

An unforgettable hotel...

All those who ever watched Liquorish know that whatever the destination, both the crew and participants travel in conditions which at times can only be described as harrowing.

Still, my worst accommodation experience has to be during my first visit to Kenya, prior toLiquorish ever being conceived.

I was on a voluntary mission and on a particular night, while holed up in a rather drab room within a religious society’s compound in some far-flung village, a pitched scream cut through the perfectly still night.

Our compound came under attack from one of the many armed gangs which regularly pillaged those godforsaken villages.

I was completely frozen with fear while peeping through the tattered curtains of my window as scores of machete-wielding men ran through the compound.

Thankfully, apart from some stolen livestock, no one wasseriously hurt.

I return most often to...

London and Sicily. True, these two destinations are the least exotic of my travelling portfolio, but apart from the obvious logistical and financial reasons, shopping and good food feature rather prominently on my priority list.

My ideal travel companion...

Anyone with an open mind would be a good candidate. It is imperative that one travels without any preconceptions as from my personal experience; a pre-conditioned mindset can easily ruin what could otherwise be a great adventure.

From the many participants who have taken part in Liquorish over the years, I have witnessed too many people who simply refused to let go and as a result, ended up hating every minute of their experience.

Country with the best cuisine...

At the risk of sounding mundane, I have to go with Italy; more specifically Sicily. On my many trips to the beautiful island, I have never been disappointed with the food. In fact, I consider travelling to this part of the world as a culinary adventure which, somehow, never disappoints.

My next holiday plans...

I am wearing my newly acquired ‘maternal hat’ when I say I definitely intend to give my son the experience of a lifetime and take him to Africa.

I cannot wait to see the look of amazement on his face when he sets eyes upon his first wild elephant or lion. If his reaction is anythinglike mine the first time I saw these beautiful animals in the wild, it will certainly bring tears to his eyes.

My dream trip...

I have been blessed with many travel opportunities. The vast majority of those trips have left me with beautiful memories which I cherish and hold very close to my heart.

Although I generally try to avoid going to places I have already visited, I really wouldn’t mind spending another couple of weeks in Bora Bora in French Polynesia.

My honeymoon memories of this intoxicatingly beautiful island, bang in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, shall remain with me for many a year to come.

I partied hardest in...

During a brief lull in my 12-year relationship with my husband I somehow landed in a holiday resort in Corfu.

My newly (albeit very short) found ‘freedom’ was perfectly apt for a seven-day rampage with my girlfriends who made sure that the trip lived up to the resort’s claims of being a ‘party village’. What can I say? Youth is but a fleeting dream...

My travel tip...

Although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, one definitely has to make that extra effort and approachany new travel ­experience with an open mind.

I can guarantee it will make any trip much sweeter while ­increasing the chances of truly experiencing the destination to the fullest.

Auditions for the next series of Liquorish on One TV will start on November 28. Next year, Liquorish will be sending intrepid adventurers on an exotic journey designed to challenge all their physical, emotional and mental reserves.

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