I was greatly relieved to learn that the forward thinking government of Malta has banned gay conversion therapies.

I was less happy about the things going on in Canada where ‘well meaning’ parents are turning to drugs and then invasive surgical procedures to ‘convert’ their children from male to female – and vice versa. They use drugs to prevent such children from maturing as they normally would. Puberty is delayed until such time as the surgeon may perform dangerous and life-changing operations on vulnerable youngsters who were ‘given the chance’ to make a final and fateful decision.

No doubt there is a lot of money to be made from this deception. Deception it surely is. In our advanced societies in Europe it has taken us a very long time to realise that sexual orientation is maybe good. Or worse – bad.

Dr Alan Turing , who helped crack the enigma code, helped destroy Nazi tyranny. We then knew even before Hitler did what this awful man was up to. What happened to Dr Turing? Caught in a toilet, he was told by the magistrate to either go to prison or be chemically castrated. He chose the latter and then committed suicide.

Now in Thailand where I live for a part of my life, Thais believe in the three paths. Man and Woman. Woman and Man. Transgender. To be transgender is a normal part of life here. Go to the bank. You will likely be met by a transgender person. Now we Westerners might think this odd. In Thailand it is both normal and acceptable.

Thai people see nothing wrong at all with gender confusion. It is normal and it is part of the living life of all. The government need not ever consider protecting sexual orientation in employment law. Why? Because it is at the heart of Buddhist thinking. You are what you are by the good Grace of Buddha. No need for prejudice as vibrant sexuality is an assumed part of the bedrock of all Thai society.

The problem for us in the West is that we can never, it seems, accept ‘the three paths’. Instead we try conversion therapies, drugs and finally damaging surgery. Now if we did adopt Buddhist principles and accept we are all created differently in the eyes of God, then debates about conversions would be sterile. I think we are slowly getting there but in the meantime treat your children with care and respect.

Never allow conversion therapists anywhere near them. Finally make sure that the surgeon’s knife stays well away from your home, locked away in a hospital where one day it will do better good – fighting invasive cancers and the rest. Not slicing uneasily into our own psychological and social prejudices where sound common sense should ever hold sway.

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