Plastic has a negative impact on our environment. It is generally believed that plastic takes at least 500 years to decompose. Plastic bottles are used every day across all generations – especially in Malta’s hot to mild year-round climate when it is more important than ever to stay hydrated.

Buying countless amounts of bottled water packs generates so much waste. Not to finish in our landfill, each and every bottle needs to be separated, collected, cleaned and exported. But the news is not all bad. In fact the percentage of separated and recycled plastic in Malta has risen by almost 10 per cent in just four years, according to the National Waste Management plan (2014-2020). Since January of this year, Wasteserv has already exported 933.32 metric tonnes of PET plastic.

While the figures are looking better, we all still need to redouble our efforts and continue to separate and reduce the waste we all produce if we are to ensure that Malta meets its 2020 targets. By introducing easy habits to our daily lives we can do our bit in reducing plastic bottle waste.

Whether at home or at work, the number of water bottle purchases can be reduced by considering getting a water dispenser complemented by investing in a good quality BPA-free water bottle which can be refilled. Most people find that by simply carrying a water bottle with them at all times, they drink more water, which is always beneficial.

Now that children have gone back to school, the same simple steps can be used together with stocking up on reusable bottles. One must not forget to throw in one for one’s own use. One can also look into installing reverse osmosis systems in the home. One should also lobby for them to be installed at the workplace and outline how cost-efficient a water dispenser would be to your boss.

Finally, if it is imperative that you buy a water bottle, the least you can do is to recycle it properly in the appropriate bag.

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