Environment Resources Authority chairman Victor Axiak says had he known his Townsquare vote could affect the outcome of the Planning Authority hearing, he would have shown up for the crucial vote – despite a heart operation and against his doctor’s advice.

In the controversial vote last month, the PA narrowly gave the go-ahead for the construction of skyscrapers in Sliema and Mrieħel.

He told Caroline Muscat: "Had I published that memo before the board of the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) had a chance to vote on whether to appeal [the PA’s decision to grant the permit], it would have elicited a substantial amount of public pressure on my colleagues on how to vote. That would have been unethical. So I took the flak… because I feel that people should decide without undue pressure."

Asked why it was only sent to (PA board member) Timmy Gambin he said he only thought about sending the memo about 24 hours before the PA board meeting.

"It’s now an open secret that I was in hospital and operated upon on the Sunday before the meeting, which was held on Thursday [August 4]. When I realised I couldn’t attend, I thought I should write down my thoughts. I sent them to a member of the PA [board]. I had phoned and discussed it with him, but then again I didn’t want to place undue pressure on anyone. But I thought I should have my opinion spelled out.

"I did not send this memo to the chairman or secretary. Now, with hindsight, I realise I should have done that. It wouldn’t have been out of place. But everyone is wiser with hindsight."

He said he wouldn’t have imagined that the voting on Townsquare would be seven [in favour] and six [against].

"Had I known that my vote would have made such a big difference, I would have crawled to the place, despite my cardiologist’s advice."

See more of Prof. Axiak's comments in the video above.

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