Well everyone knows or has heard of this saying before, especially when we were young, but does eating an apple a day really keep the doctor away? Let us look at the facts. Apples are good sources of vitamin C and fibre. A healthy start, but is it enough? While being a healthy snack, are apples capable of warding off viruses and bacteria?

Most people are aware of the effects of vitamin C on our overall health as it boosts our immune system. Other vitamins found in the apple are vitamins A and E. Various studies claim that these compounds reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and asthma.

The fibre in the apples can help prevent cholesterol from building up on artery walls. Pectin is found in apples, which is a form of soluble fibre. Another awesome benefit is that it helps us to have a healthy and happy digestive system. Apples are also rich in potassium, which is great news for those who have problems with their blood pressure. Another nutrient found abundantly in apples is boron, which maintains strong bones.

What about apple juice? Does it really have the same effect? Well, it depends how the apple juice was produced. If the apple juice has high amounts of sugars, I doubt that the juice is contributing to a healthy lifestyle – check out the label before drinking.

Do not have a toothbrush? Have no fear! You can always eat an apple, as it cleans teeth and kills bacteria, thus reducing the risk of tooth decay – though you should probably still brush your teeth. It is also great for your health as it is low in calorie density, which means you can eat a good-sized portion.

So, while apples are packed with good nutrients and compounds, it should not be the sole contributor to our healthy lifestyle. It helps the immune system but does not mean you will never get sick!

For more information: http://www.livescience.com/44686-apple-nutrition-facts.html

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