• Over the years there have been several deaths as a result of diving operations in Malta.

There are many problems with diving schools here, and I know from experience that not all diving businesses follow the golden rules, which in most cases are mandatory.

I would like to ask a number of questions:

• Where is the dive equipment serviced and pressure tested, including the compressor units?

• Who issues the certificate for this equipment?

• Men and women over the age of 55 are required by law to show a medical certificate to prove they have no medical issues. Is this law adhered to?

• When bottles need to be filled, does the supplier ask for proof of experience?

• When these companies go out in a boat with clients to dive, how many on the boat have a first aid training certificate?

All dive companies here in Malta should be required to attend a dive seminar to make sure they understand the rules involved, and what action should be taken in an emergency, which may save a life.

Malta is just a small island yet there have been so many deaths in the past eight years. Who investigates these accidents apart from the police?

There are many questions here that need answers, in order to prevent further deaths.

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