The verbal attack Petra Caruana Dingli referred to in her article ‘Outspoken Hags and Sluts’ (The Sunday Times of Malta, May 1) is abhorrent.

The abusive and sexist language hurled at Caruana Dingli and columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia does not stop there. It is offensive to all women, regardless of who they are. Unsavory language as described in the article referred to above is a hate attack against all women.

Let those who are in positions of responsibility not make the mistake that it is otherwise. Disagreeing with an opinion put forward by a columnist or contributor is perfectly fine; attempting to undermine them because of their gender is unacceptable.

Abusive language is not only highly offensive but it undermines women, and encourages and en­dorses further abuse. If there is anything that should be proposed in our Parliament it should be a law preventing such abuse.

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