The striped hawk moth is one of seven species of hawk moths indigenous to the Maltese islands. It is found in most of Africa and large parts of Asia.

It is also found throughout most of Europe but being an insect of tropical origin, it does not stay throughout the year in colder parts, reaching these places by travelling large distances, sometimes all the way from Africa.

Like most moths, it is active mostly after sunset. It is not often seen except when flying around street lights or during migration when it flies even during daytime.

When resting, it keeps its body and wings flat against the surface to avoid making shadows. This, together with its excellent camouflage, makes it difficult to spot and thus it protects itself from predators.

In the Maltese islands, it can be found mostly between April and July

In the Maltese islands, it can be found mostly between April and July, although in warm years such as this one, they can be active even in March. In colder parts of Europe it is visible later in the year.

The caterpillars feed on the leaves of various species of plant including vines, snapdragon, the bedstraw and related species.

The caterpillar is dark green with black markings or black with yellow markings.

Like all hawk moths, the caterpillar has a structure that looks like a long horn jutting out of its hind end. The horn looks sharp and dangerous but in fact it is soft and harmless. Apparently nobody knows what its function is.

The caterpillar can grow up to eight centimetres long. When fully grown it moves to the ground and spins a silk structure around it to which it attaches dried leaves. Hawk moths are mainly found in the tropics where about 1,450 species have been recorded. They are all strong fast fliers. Some, such as the hummingbird hawk moth, can hover in mid-air and fly backwards just like hummingbirds.

One species, the Maltese spurge hawk moth, is endemic to the Maltese islands.

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