A 22-year-old man from Birzebbuga was remanded in custody today after he was charged with stealing a handbag from an elderly woman and dislocating her shoulder in the process.

Nico Zammit stands charged with aggravated theft and of being a repeat offender.

Prosecuting officer Fabian Fleri told the court that the accused immediately admitted to the crime upon his arrest. He cooperated with the police, also imparting valuable information.

The case dates to November, when the accused snatched a handbag off a 68-year-old woman who was walking down St Paul Street in Valletta. The handbag contained €80 and a mobile phone.

The police traced the phone to a third party, who explained that he had purchased it from the accused.

The accused was then arrested but was granted police bail due to having in the past suffered from intense claustrophobia while in the lock-up.

It was explained to the accused that, due to the fact that the crime was aggravated as he had grievously injured an elderly person, the minimum punishment was that of four years incarceration.

At that, the accused burst into tears and, chest heaving heavily, he turned to the inspector and said in a choked voice: "Go, leave me, you've lumped me with it. I behaved honourably with you and this is what I get".

Magistrate Charmaine Galea told the accused that everyone in the court was doing his job.

Lawyer David Gatt asked the court to order a pre-sentencing report since the accused had a history of drug abuse. This was however turned down by the court, which led to the lawyer submitting a not guilty plea.

The court remanded the accused in custody since the elderly victim was yet to testify but recommended that she be among the first to take the witness stand.

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