The lay state has the inherent duty of disallowing exclusive alliegence to a religious doctrine in its power circles. Thanks to the maturity acquired by the states in Europe, western populations distance themselves from exclusive authoritarian religious influences. This is an asset acquired through the downfall of absolute powers, through a succession of endless wars and disputes, since the start of modernity. People will only unwisely attribute divine power to any earthly ruler.

Are asylum seekers ready to take this principle as a given fact, belonging to their new found home, and build a new relation to their religion, where State power has no direct link to the intents and purposes of religious values?

One would wisely test this notion, before processing the application for citizenship in any western state. This is because people who, because of their origins, find this notion foreign to their idea of the way power is exercised, might endlessly struggle to see to it that religious influence as they knew it in their original home claims an assumed right over the discovered good we, age-old westerners now enjoy.




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