If those of us in the West only realised how much blood we are pouring into our cars and trucks, into our electricity and gas, the conscietious among us would revert back to travelling by horse and donkey and burning wood to survive the winters. But, in the name of progress, that has been made impossible for us all, no matter our conscience.

So, Russia has been undoing the investment Washington was making in Syrian armies, and calling them out for it too. In return, a Nato ally, and a known backer of Syrian armies, the Turkish army itself, shot down a Russian warplane for violating its airspace. This warplane ended up in Syrian territory, no less.

The important thing in this whole saga is that, when talking straight about the G20 members directly financing Isis and helping them grow in Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown what this war is really all about.

While talking big in the western media about its war against Isis, Washington and those controlled by its dollar and its threats, have syphoned billions of dollars to Isis via the thinly-disguised tactic of helping the non-radical groups who are supposed to be fighting Isis. But even Donald Trump could not ID those. The groups really fighting Isis are also fighting the US’s attempt at stealing their country. They are not being bought.

The US has been paying billions of dollars to Isis to control the resources and the politics of the area. The investment varies from paying for Israel’s existence to brazenly attacking Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and the whole mire.

Isis can boast equal footing with Israel in claiming subsidies from the US these days

We have just seen an extra fierce upscale in the run for another full blast war and it is not about Islam and Christianity, both of which had been thriving, mostly in peace, just before ‘interventions’ by the West. This war is more about Nato against Russia.

Turkey or, more specifically, the Turkish army has downed a Russian warplane. It had other options to protect its airspace but still resorted to the most extreme: a declaration of war.

The question that comes next is: what was the warplane doing? Was it attacking a convoy of Isis goods destined for corrupt Turkish officials who are buying and selling oil and other goods while supporting the most barbaric attack on its neighbours? Or was the warplane attacking Isis fighters armed with US war toys that Turkey felt a need to protect maybe?

Washington and its cronies are playing a game in Syria, a game that is intended to revive the economies of both the EU and the US. Both the US and the EU need to control resources and to get them on the cheap, otherwise the status quo cannot be sustained and the political establishment might flounder. So they finance a war, a 30-year war, as they dubbed it.

Russia, on the other hand, proud controller of some of the said resources, has decided that it really wants to stop this Isis mad dog and wants its long-time ally, Bashar al-Assad, back on his throne.

We can deduct from the trickle of media reports on Russia’s activity that it was really maiming Isis’s strongholds and destroying their ever-growing arsenal of war.

While the US-led mission over these last five years seem to only have emboldened Isis and made it stronger, the few months Russia has been active in Syria have led to Isis feeling the heat, at long last.

The US-led missions, including financing and supplying arms to non-radical groups in Syria, has no results to show for all the billions of dollars it has cost the taxpayer. Yes, we can all see that Syrians, thousands of humans, have died in our name, their country has been levelled and destroyed and the Dark Ages are back in the area. But Isis, the organisation, has only grown from an unknown despised offshoot of the Saddam regime to this terror force controlling a huge area in the midst of Iraq and Syria.

Isis can boast equal footing with Israel in claiming subsidies from the US these days.

The downing of the Russian warplane was a flagrant violation by the Turkish army and it serves the army’s interests in its attempt to oust Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It also serves Washington’s interests in more ways than one

Russia and Iran’s support to Assad has to be stopped so the US can put a puppet in his place who will gladly pocket some corrupt money while letting Syria’s wealth be milked, in peace.

No, the West did not go into Syria for humanitarian reasons, to stop the extermination of the protesters at the hands of Assad’s forces. It is only for purposes of controlling its assets and milking the resources of the whole region that our countries decided that it was worth the expense.

After all, it is the taxpayer who foots the bill while doing away with sound investment in his health system, his education and his country’s development.

The West is doing a good job in exporting the 30-year war, as the US calls it. An allied, effective attack by Russian and Western forces on the terrorist dog on the ground, Isis, would not guarantee the West the access it needs there. It will only be satisfied by a puppet government that does what it says. So, the alliance sought by France with Russia in attacking Isis was shunned by the US when Paris proposed it and now it has been brought to null with the downing of the Russian airplane and the killing of its pilot.

We, the people, are led into thinking that we are at peace. However, we are financing a perpetual war with our tax-money. We only wake up to smell the tea when something hits us in ‘our’ countries.

Stalin, that professional terrorist of his era, said: “One death is a tragedy whereas a million is a statistic.” Therefore, while our empathy strings are programmed to feel for each profiled victim of a terrorist attack taking place in France, or in Britain, or Boston, we are led into apathy over the millions dying of starvation and war in Somalia, Mali, Eritrea, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Palestine, Libya and the whole ‘other’ regions.

The media has been such an effective tool in bringing us to hate the ‘other’ and feeling for ‘our people’, the attack on our way of life. We were even told of the French police dog, Diesel, who, just before his retirement, died in a raid in St Denis.

The same media has been an extremely effective tool in dumbing us into silence and sleep over atrocities continuously committed on other human beings in Palestine and other countries. So when we, in the West, hear of another Palestinian killed by an Israeli citizen, when we hear of 47 children killed by the French in a bombing of a school in Syria, or when we hear of a drought due to kill a million people in a remote area of Africa, we just flick up or down our Facebook timeline and switch to reading what our pal ate yesterday and where our ex went to dance last weekend. The dead are just that. Dead.

As the good Pope, Honest Francis, said: “The world has not understood the way of peace. The whole world is at war.” He also gave us a way out when, on another occasion, he said that all those who sell guns and weapons are hypocrites if they claim to be Christians.

What also fuels this fire are the hidden warmongers who are guiding our politicians to make bloom their business of death. If they are cleaned out of the corridors of power, much of this drive for war will have been extinguished.

This war in the Middle East is not a war on terror as has been advertised. It is, in fact, a war to control resources and to satisfy the greed we are democratically electing time and again.

A bomb in Paris is no more destructive than all the human suffering going on in the parched regions of Africa, the war-torn regions of all the countries our politicians have attacked or the impoverished countries we are quietly milking while supporting their dictators.

Victims that are being killed for the sake of our ego and strength, although anonymous for us, do not make the killer any the less guilty of atrocities.

So let’s call a spade a spade.

Let’s stop all the violence. Let’s stop all terrorist attacks. More war will only lead to more terror, not to peace.

Carol Gatt is a Maltese Muslim, stay-at-home mother.

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