It’s not just us humans that could potentially do with a detox after the festive season. Try these simple tips to make sure your car is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed once the month of January sets in.

Many people will make it their New Year’s resolution to get fitter and healthier. Part of this will be detoxifying after all the Christmas goodies, but it’s also worth remembering to give your car the detox treatment to make it work at its best and save you some money.

Down and dirty

Maltese roads in winter are both wet and dirty. This means your car will get filthy no matter how hard you try to wash it down. Don’t give up, though, as a clean car works more efficiently since dirt adds weight and aerodynamic drag detracting from fuel economy. We’re talking small differences, but they add up.

Internal cleansing

Remember to keep the inside of your car clean too. During the Christmas period, many of us will have used the car to carry passengers we don’t normally have in the car. With dirty boots on the carpet, there is a much greater risk of germs taking hold in your car’s interior.

To combat the risk of getting colds and sniffles, give your car’s cabin a thorough going over with the vacuum cleaner to remove any loose dirt and grime. Then give the carpets a complete wash and shampoo. Seats can be sponged clean but make sure the sponge is only damp and not wet.

If all that sounds like too much effort, you can also use household germ killers and fabric fresheners to banish the niffs and pongs, but make sure to test these products on a small patch of fabric first in case it discolours your car’s interior.

Windows down

A sweet-smelling car is a much more appealing place, so try to open the windows and let in fresh air whenever possible. Yes, it might be a bit chilly but if you choose the right moment of day, you can let the air in without turning into an icicle.

Pet hates

If you carry a dog or other pet in the car, use a mat or waterproof sheet underneath the pet carrier or basket to catch hairs. They can easily get matted into the car’s carpet and make a stink, especially if they come from a wet dog.

‘Weight’ a minute

The motoring equivalent of a Christmas pot belly is carrying around unwanted and unnecessary items in your car. During the Christmas break, it’s easy to accumulate coats, boots and all sorts of other items in the car. Have a good sort through and take out anything and everything that is not needed. You’ll be amazed at how much weight this removes from the car, and less weight means better performance and fuel economy.

Screen test

One thing you should keep full during winter is the windscreen washer bottle. It will help clear grime from the windscreen quickly and effectively, but don’t forget to detox the inside of the screen and other windows. They get easily misted up in winter and this builds up to leave a residue that can make driving in low sun conditions and when there are oncoming headlights very difficult.

A quick clean with nothing but a wet microfibre cloth and then dried with a clean cloth will keep the windows clean enough. Perfectionists can use any good-quality glass cleaner to achieve a flawless finish.

That’s a wrap(per)

Finally, don’t leave food and wrappers in the car. They cause smells, allow bacteria to grow and enter the air ducts, and can also put temptation in your way when you’re trying to avoid the last of the Christmas chocolates. Together, you and your car can detox as a team.

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