I refer to John Guillaumier’s letter ‘Suppression of reason in religious issues’. Those who are in God’s sanctifying grace enjoy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control, love and joy. None of these attributes go against reason.

Besides, even though faith is stronger than reason, there can never be contradictions between faith and science because both owe their origin to God. It is God himself who endows man both with the light of reason and also with faith.

“Believe to understand, understand to believe” – St Augustine.

It’s not the first time that it was recommended to Guillaumier that he drop his pen, but to no avail. Indeed, I advise him this time to be still and listen to Patience Strong’s exquisite poetry and see God in everything, even silence.

How can He come to an unquiet mind? How show His face to the inwardly blind? How can a sense of His presence be caught – in the confusion of turbulent thought?

If you would savour the calm of that peace-stop, wait and listen. Let questionings cease. Sit in the silence. Be still and believe – that you at His hands a great gift will receive – of healing and blessing… Doubt not He will come – as once to the lame and the deaf and the dumb – He came with new life – to revive and restore. Make ready your heart for He stands at the door.

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