The Church's Interdiocesan Commission for the Environment (KA) said today it had serious reservations on some aspects of the government's plans to demerge Mepa's environment and planning functions.

It said that, for years, it had pronounced itself in favour of splitting the environment from the planning function so that the environment could be given greater protection.

"However, the KA sadly notes that beyond the rhetoric and the marketing efforts currently being made to portray positively the splitting of the environment and the planning functions, and the setting up of two new authorities, the proposed Bills will make the environment a big loser due to the weakening of the development planning function that was introduced after years of environmental pillaging due to direct ministerial involvement in regulating development in the country," the commission said.

"The KA is disappointed that the Bills, as they currently stand, are a step backwards in proper development planning and do not guarantee the protection of the environment and cultural heritage."

The commission said the weaknesses of the Bills are aggravated by the fact that the Strategic Plan for the Environment and Development (SPED) which was recently approved by Parliament is itself a very weak document. Moreover, the changes to policies that have been carried out rendered development in Outside Development Zones much easier.

"The KA is seriously worried that the Executive Council of the Planning Authority will have an Executive Chairperson who apart from the powers granted specifically to the holder of this post (instead of granting such powers to the Authority) will also be the minister’s puppet. This is emphasized by the proposal that such Executive Chairperson, who is to be appointed by the minister, “may be dismissed by the minister at any time for a just cause and it shall be a just cause if the minister determines that he has not achieved the targets and objectives set for him by the minister”.


The proposal that the minister had the choice of approving or rejecting the appointments of directors heading the Directorates of the Planning Authority would demote the Planning Authority from an Authority to a private secretariat of the minister where appointments of key, and less key, people were concerned. In fact minor appointments such as secretaries of advisory bodies to the Planning Board are also to be appointed by the minister.  


"The KA is disappointed that the proposed Bill on setting up the Environment Protection Authority is one which provides no teeth, or even a jaw, for such an Authority that was supposed to provide greater protection to the land and sea environment than we have witnessed so far," the commission added.  

"In order for the Environment Authority to effectively serve the common good through environmental protection, the splitting of the planning and environment functions in two authorities should result in more effective, less cosmetic, co-sharing and co-responsibility in the decision-making process in the formulation of plans, policies and development orders and the granting of development permits. Failing this, the environment will be given a great disservice."

"With the proposed competencies of members on the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal, the planning system in Malta is moving further towards a legalistic approach to planning which risks dispensing with a holistic approach to sustainable development. This situation encourages those who want to ‘play the system’ to discover ways of circumventing the law and continue unabated with their unsustainable plans."

The commission hoped its points would lead to a healthy discussion prior to the debate at Committee Stage in Parliament.

See the commission's opinion paper on pdf below.

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