Unless we are constantly on the lookout, we shall be overtaken by a barrage of ideas in conflict with what we believe in and stand for.

In a very short period our society’s foundations are being shaken and under the guise of pluralism and liberalism we are being gradually and unknowingly transformed into one of the most liberal societies, throwing all our moral values overboard.

Lately, several correspondents complained about this trend of thought in this newspaper. Lawrence Zammit, in his column ‘Tales from the silly season’ (August 14), pointed out that “we need to start making a distinction between freedom, liberalismand libertinage”.

He feared that our society is moving more towards libertinage rather than being liberal.

A good number of us are seeking our own individual interests under the excuse of individual rights with the result of jeopardising the rights of the majority.

This trend, where anyone, anywhere and in whatever circumstance can trample on the rights of others to publicly profess one’s selfish inclinations, is silently infiltrating our way of thinking and of living.

The latest stress on civil liberties with its emphasis on the rights of minorities has undermined the value of the common good and is silently and slowly eradicating those fundamental Christian values on which our society was founded.

I am convinced that Fr Joe Borg in his article ‘Ecclesiastical blood transfusions: Take II’ (August 16), when he insists that “a silent Church is a betrayed Church, and this eventually leads to a poorer pluralistic society since an important voice would be missing”, is not only referring to the Church authorities but to each and every Christian, including MPs.

Let us make sure that Malta, as a modern, liberal and pluralistic society, remains founded on Christian values that not only enhances such a society but helps it achieve greater heights.

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