DEX Workspaces and European Architecure Students Assembly Malta have teamed up to offer 30 architecture students the opportunity to build their favourite Vitra designer chair out of recyclable waste material provided by WasteServe Malta.

The group of participants who design the best chair will win a set of Vitra miniatures and Vitra design books.

The Vitra Re-Chair competition is one of the activities taking place during EASA. This two-week event gathers over 500 architecture students and young professionals from all over Europe, as well as other parts of the world, to participate in a series of interactive workshops and lectures.

The 2015 assembly is on until next Sunday.

The chairs will be presented to a panel of judges representing DEX Workspaces and EASA, who will judge the quality of the final products on a number of criteria, including creativity and efficient use of materials, similarity to the original chair, stability and overall look.

DEX Workspaces is a specialised outlet of the Vivendo Group, focused on offering modern and functional office workspaces. The local distributor of Vitra, a Swiss family-owned furniture manufacturing company that has been collaborating with world-renowned designers since 1957, DEX offers a complete solution for office environments.

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